Content development is an integral part of any successful marketing plan. So how do you know what is working to get traction, how do you know why your competitor beats you on certain keywords, and how can you catch up?

Learning Content Marketing

It has been said time and time again that content is king, did you know that makes backlinks your queen. So how to join these two together to build a successful content marketing strategy! Let Industry Army Marketing help you out with your SEO Services and content marketing because our system lets you put both of these together to effectively build a SEO package that will meet and beat your competitor for the key words you are fighting for.

How to Find Keywords

In fact there are so many tools to look for keywords but how to find out what is going to make you the most money when targeting keywords in your industry. At Industry Army Marketing we can actually dive into the back of your competitors web site and find what key words, and keyword phrases they are using in organic searches and Paid searches. We can also find out what are the most important links in their campaign and who is supplying them. At this point Industry Army Marketing reaches out to the web masters and delivers a proposal for links to your site. How can we do this effectively? Industry Army Marketing offers links and banner exchanges from one of the key industry websites we have in our system. Yes, industry Army Marketing has more than 350 websites owned and operated to build the best outreach from any SEO service company.

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